Tiny Habits

BJ Fogg

Tiny Habits



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BJ Fogg is an American researcher at Stanford University, who specialises in behavioural change: in his book, Tiny Habits, he analyses the best methods for modifying one's behaviour, which is done by gradually inserting new habits, in order to obtain a real, stable, and definitive improvement. Following a systematic method, which involves shrinking the steps to help alter the way we view change, is in fact, a fundamental part of the process of acquiring a new habit, and is important to help avoid feeling overwhelmed by the change itself, enabling us to improve day by day, one small step at a time.

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Analysis and key concepts


The Tiny habits method: “baby steps” towards change


The basis of “baby steps”: small, constant changes are required to form a new habit


Identify your aspirations, react with motivation: it starts with small goals


If you really want to achieve them, you must set goals that are within your capabilities and inclinations


Small steps, big changes: from tiny behaviours to routine


The importance of positive reinforcement: to be successful, you should celebrate every goal you reach


To change your old habits and start new ones, it is good to get rid of any habits that might be negative or damaging


The culture of change is not only individual, it also depends on other people




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn a simple way to change your habits.
  • Assess and identify the best behaviours in your routine.
  • Learn something new in small doses.
  • Avoid becoming overwhelmed by the worry of getting everything done, at all costs.
  • Get a better understanding of ‘constructive’ behaviour.

BJ Fogg is an American scientist with expertise in social sciences and habit formation. He has a PhD in Communications, and is currently employed as a Research Associate at Stanford University. In addition to teaching and writing, he is also the founder and director of Stanford Behaviour Design Lab, which specialises in studying and creating new models and methods to change human behaviour using persuasion techniques. In 1996, he coined the term "captology", which comes from the acronym Computers as Persuasive Technologies. This area of inquiry explores the overlapping space between persuasion in general (influence, motivation, behaviour change, etc.) and computing technology, and opened the study of Behaviour Design, his definitive field of specialisation. With his “baby steps” technique, explained in The Tiny Habits method, he involved over 20,000 people in the drive to change their habits, which became the inspiration for two TEDx talks, at which he was speaker.

Publishing house:

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt





