Tribal Leadership

Dave Logan , John King , Halee Fischer-Wright

Tribal Leadership



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Every single organisation is a tribe, and each tribe can be at different stages of development, depending on the language it uses and its prevailing culture. In their book Tribal Leadership, authors Dave Logan, John King, and Halee Fischer-Wright identify five stages at which a tribe can operate: from the most menial stage to the most performing, to the stages at which all members of the group unite, and whose drive comes from shared values and objectives. The authors highlight the critical issues of each stage, and offer advice to Tribal Leaders on how to facilitate the tribe's progression to universal, and not merely tribal, success. This book can help you carry out self-analysis and analysis of your own team so that you can adopt the right strategies to make them more cohesive and therefore effective. Understanding the importance of the tribe as the driving force in any company can help you understand how people interact and succeed.

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Analysis and key concepts


All organisations are made up of tribes, each of them with their own dominant culture


Stage 1: alienation from the rest of society and the belief that life is unfair


Stage 2: people are disconnected and live in a constant state of apathy and resignation


Stage 3: a sort of Wild West in which everyone is competing against each other, but where success is still a long way off


The key step is from Stage 3 to 4, and is the biggest change of all


Stage 4: when tribal leadership has the opportunity to take hold


The components of an effective tribal culture are its core values and noble cause


To stay at Stage 4, it is vital to build triangular relationships and learn to trust people


A winning strategy is based on values and cause, and looks at outcomes, assets, and behaviours


Stage 5: when the tribal culture has a touch of magic




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Many useful tips to:

  • Identify the arena in which your firm is positioned, its characteristics and its weaknesses.
  • Understand how to elevate the culture of your tribe to achieve better results.
  • Create a Tribal Strategy based on values, noble cause, results, resources and behaviours.

Dave Logan is co-founder and president of CultureSync, a management consulting firm specialising in strategy, high performance, and cultural design. He has also co-written six books, including the best-seller The Three Laws of Performance. He has been a member of the faculty of the University of South California since 1996, and is a professor at their Marshall School of Business.

John King is co-founder and senior partner of CultureSync, through which he has performed coaching and consulting for over 25,000 people in companies such as Intel, Amgen, or The Space Frontier Foundation. He is co-author of the best-selling book The Coaching Revolution; a highly respected speaker and coach, he holds frequent courses at the Marshall School of Business and the Price School of Public Policy at the University of South California.

Ex-partner at CultureSync, Halee Fischer-Wright is a doctor with a senior role in the health department. Author of the bestseller Back to Balance, she is also a faculty member of the School of Medicine at the University of Colorado, and winner of the Titan 100 CEO Award in 2020 and 2021.

Publishing house:

Harper Business





