Wake Up to the Joy of You

Agapi Stassinopoulos

Wake Up to the Joy of You



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In Wake Up to the Joy of You - 52 Meditations and Practices for a Calmer, Happier, Mindful Life, Agapi Stassinopoulos leads readers through the discovery, one by one, of 52 pearls of wisdom, which analyse and explain numerous facets of human life. In addition to increasing our knowledge about the specific issues that define our existence, the author also provides guided meditation exercises, which can help us improve our relationship with these issues, and reduce their negative influence on us, with a view to making our experience of life decidedly more tolerable.

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Analysis and key concepts


People are miracles, but we often take them for granted: we should never forget the immense miracle that is life


The universe does not have a sell-by-date: the deadlines that the outside world imposes on us are not the same as those regulated by the each person’s inner wisdom


Accepting ourselves, and where we come from, allows us to realise that love never really leaves our life


Life is much more joyful when we do things that add value to our life


While we should never deny the importance of our emotions or worries, we should equally never let them take over


It is not enough to be our own best friend: we also need to be the leader of our very own fan base




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Many useful tips to:

  • Appreciate and focus on the important things in life.
  • Become familiar with the meditations and mental exercises necessary to succeed in changing our overall approach to life, starting with the problems and the people all around us.
  • Avoid feeling alone in the world when we go through challenging times, which are much more common than we think, and are often simpler to resolve than they may appear.

Agapi Stassinopoulos was born and raised in Athens, Greece, but she left at the age of 18 to study at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London. After her studies, she moved to the United States of America, in order to follow her passion for acting, but then decided to pursue a Master's degree in Psychology at Santa Monica University. Among her other achievements, she has written two books on the Greek gods, which were turned into PBS specials. She currently holds seminars around the world on how to recognise the potential inside each one of us, and on how to live the life we have always wanted. Her sister, Arianna Huffington, founded the Huffington Post, one of the most widely read blogs in the USA and beyond.

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