What Great Storytellers Know

Bernadette Jiwa

What Great Storytellers Know



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We are often led to think that people who are good at telling stories have a natural, innate talent. In What Great Storytellers Know, Bernadette Jiwa shows us the opposite: since the dawn of civilisation, everyone has always been able to tell stories. If we want to become better storytellers, however, we must learn to tell stories that have a positive impact on those who hear or read them, and that excite, involve, and transmit a message. This book is for people who want to hone their storytelling skills by structuring their stories, learning to find ideas for new stories, paying attention to detail, and writing in a mindful, empathetic, intentional, and courageous way.

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Analysis and key concepts


The art and act of telling stories so as to have a positive impact on both ourselves and others


Be present: choose where to direct your attention, and become the most interested person in the room


Be aware: turn normality into exceptionality, and create a library of stories to tell


Be specific: tell more using fewer words, and show emotions rather than describing them


Be vulnerable: telling a story is an act of faith that should be practised, even when you don't feel ready


Be empathetic: offer a gift to your audience, and tell your story with a goal in mind


Be intentional: structure the story, always keeping in mind the message you want to convey


Be brave: replace fear with gratitude, blaze your own trail, and make your voice heard




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Many useful tips to:

  • Strengthen the skills needed to become a better storyteller.
  • Understand how to structure a story, find new ideas, and inspire your audience.
  • Understand how courage, hope, and empathy impact storytelling.

Bernadette Jiwa is originally from Dublin, but now lives in Australia. She is an acknowledged expert in strategic storytelling and works as a consultant for entrepreneurs, start-ups, and large companies. In 2018, she was included by Smart Company among the 20 Top Business Thinkers. She has a very successful blog, The Story of Telling, which has repeatedly been counted amongst the best Australian blogs, as well as having received global recognition: Seth Godin, in fact, considers it to be one of the best business blogs among his regular reads. In addition to The Right Story, Bernadette Jiwa has also published other books, including Story Driven, Meaningful, What Great Storytellers Know, and Marketing: A Love Story.

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