Wired for Story

Lisa Cron

Wired for Story



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Stories have always played an important role in the evolution of human beings, and continue to do so to this day: by sharing the experiences of others, we become wiser, and learn how and who to be in the world. Stories help us to imagine and experience situations that are out of the ordinary, and make the most of these experiences by using this knowledge to our benefit. Wired for Story explains how to structure a novel that will capture the reader's attention from start to finish, by incorporating techniques learned from recent discoveries made in the world of neuroscience. 

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Analysis and key concepts


Stories help us to survive and evolve as human beings: our brain knows this, and is therefore drawn to them


There is no time to waste: you have to grab the reader's attention from the very first sentence


If you keep the story's focus on the main theme, you automatically eliminate anything that could distract and confuse the reader


Emotions give meaning to a story: a neutral protagonist doesn't work


You need to clearly state what the protagonist wants


The leitmotif of the narrative must be the main character’s internal challenges


While in real life we ​​shy away from change and conflict, when it comes to fiction, we revel in them, and are drawn to them


The reader is naturally predisposed to look for connections between events: make sure you make this possible


Your story must be like a road: it needs a starting point, a path to follow, and an end goal




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn how to structure a well-organised novel that revolves around a main theme.
  • Understand that stories are important because they allow us to enrich our wealth of experiences.
  • Use knowledge about the human brain to write stories that meet the reader’s expectations.

As well as being a writer, Lisa Cron is an expert narrator, and works with writers and organisations to teach the hidden power of stories. She has worked in the publishing world, for W.W. Norton publishers at the Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency. She has also been a producer for Showtime and court TV, and a consultant for Warner Brothers and the William Morris Agency. Cron has been teaching at the University of California in Los Angeles since 2006 and she works with the School of Visual Arts in New York.

Publishing house:

Ten Speed Press





