Every human being communicates through a series of filters formed by their past, their identity, their perceptions and interpretations. Each of us has our own way of thinking, and processing data. We use these mind structures naturally, with both our spoken language and our body language, and people respond immediately when someone speaks to them in their own language. LAB Profile® - Language and Behaviour Profile, is a powerful tool that allows you to understand, predict and influence people’s behaviour, decoding the language that they use and adapting your own language accordingly. It was developed in the early eighties in the NLP environment, and is based on a series of models called Meta programs, and on specific questions, based on which, people’s unconscious patterns are revealed in the language that they use, regardless of what they actually say. These questions can be used in casual conversations or inserted into formal surveys. There are two types of Meta Programs: Motivational Models or Traits, meaning the structures that indicate what a person needs to become motivated in a certain context, and Working Traits or Operational Traits, which describe a person’s internal mental processing, their stress response, and the type of environment that makes them more productive. There is a specific influencing language which corresponds to each of these patterns, which allows you to adapt your own language to the other person’s pattern, to allow for maximum impact when communicating. Behavioural predictions are only valid when they are made in the same context in which the subject was profiled.