Your Money or Your Life

Vicki Robin, Joe Dominguez

Your Money or Your Life



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Achieving financial independence means choosing your own direction in life, rather than sticking to that imposed upon you by society. The methods explained in Your Money or Your Life, will help you stop money from being an oppressive and limiting factor, and transform it instead into an instrument of freedom, which allows you to lead a lighter and more harmonious life. All it takes is a little awareness and, as in all things in life, a good deal of commitment.

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Analysis and key concepts


Financial independence is what makes a person happy, not the amount of money they have


When you understand that money is life energy, everything changes


You need to keep track of the money coming in and going out of your life to understand how you relate to money


You can get a realistic idea of your finances by calculating your income, personal expenses, and work-related expenses


You need to personalise how you record your expenses, rather than using standardised categories


Good organisation will help you get back into abandoned projects and goals that you gave up on too early


Gain support and security by being open, and discussing money with the people around you


Saving will reignite the pleasure that living a frugal lifestyle can bring


Breaking the connection between work and salary will help you to focus more on yourself


Precise planning and solid know-how will help you to earn passive income through investments




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Many useful tips to:

  • Improve your relationship with money, and achieve financial independence.
  • Save money, get out of debt, and enjoy life more.
  • Eliminate the superfluous from your life, and redefine what it means to be happy.
  • Earn passive income through targeted investments that are in line with your values.

Vicki Robin owes her fame mainly to the first edition of Your Money or Your Life, which achieved great success following its release in 1992, and helped to transform the lives of numerous people. Over the course of her life, Robin has launched several projects aimed at promoting a more sustainable lifestyle, and a more prudent approach to the management of our finances. Thanks to her commitment, and the positive impact of her message, she has received numerous awards, appeared in major television programmes, and collaborated with newspapers and magazines such as The Wall Street Journal and Newsweek.

Joe Dominguez is the creator, along with Vicki Robin, of the 9-step programme,Your Money or Your Life. A talented financial analyst, he never graduated from college but nevertheless went on to work on Wall Street, where he developed his personal and innovative vision of finance. Thanks to his skills, he retired very young, at just over thirty, taking advantage of innovative financial planning methods, which he then set out to share with anyone ready and willing to turn their life around.

Publishing house:

Penguin Books





