Zen in the art of Writing

Ray Bradbury

Zen in the art of Writing



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Zen in The Art of Writing is a collection of essays published by Ray Bradbury between 1960 and 1990. As well as being full of helpful tips for aspiring writers, it also explores some key concepts which can be valuable for every artist. The secret to writing and all good artistry lies in creativity, which can be learned and improved by practicing specific exercises. An artist's greatest inspiration will come from their own individual life experience, and from their own journey of self discovery. Before working on their technique, Bradbury encourages all writers to be led by their instinct, and fuelled by their enthusiasm; he says this is the only path that leads to the inner genius. A writer can only produce their best work when they truly know themselves, and the only way to make this wonderful discovery is through daily practice.

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Analysis and key concepts


When it comes to being a good writer, passion is more important than technique


Learning to write lists is an effective way to turn writing into an effective routine


Nurturing your creativity will improve your relationship with writing


A good writer must know how to be concise


Working can help you relax, being relaxed helps you not to overthink, and this is the best circumstance for creating




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Many useful tips to:

  • Find inspiration for the creative process through the words of Ray Bradbury.
  • Learn a tried and tested method to be creative and overcome writer’s block.
  • Finally stop procrastinating and put pen to paper.

Ray Bradbury was one of the most celebrated 20th century American writers. He wrote hundreds of short stories, as well as fifty books, many poems, and essays; he also wrote and consulted on screenplays and television scripts. Some of his best known work was in the field of speculative fiction, and his most popular novels were Fahrenheit 451, Martian Chronicles, and The People of Autumn. In 2007, he received a special citation by the Pulitzer Prize jury for his “distinguished, prolific, and deeply influential career as an unmatched author of science fiction and fantasy”.

Publishing house:

Joshua Odell Editions





